Mixed the king oyster mushroom with flour, it’s tasty as squid pancakes!Vegan"squid pancakes"recipe!

Mixed the king oyster mushroom with flour, it’s tasty as squid pancakes!Vegan"squid pancakes"recipe!
@HomemadeVeganIreneYong《素鱿鱼煎饼|Vegan Squid Pancakes》用杏鲍菇的Q弹有嚼劲口感扮鱿鱼,“素鱿鱼小煎饼”!The chewy texture of king oyster mushroom to pretend squid, mini “Vegan sq@HomemadeVeganIreneYong《素鱿鱼煎饼|Vegan Squid Pancakes》用杏鲍菇的Q弹有嚼劲口感扮鱿鱼,“素鱿鱼小煎饼”!The chewy texture of king oyster mushroom to pretend squid, mini “Vegan sq@HomemadeVeganIreneYong《素鱿鱼煎饼|Vegan Squid Pancakes》用杏鲍菇的Q弹有嚼劲口感扮鱿鱼,“素鱿鱼小煎饼”!The chewy texture of king oyster mushroom to pretend squid, mini “Vegan sq